

I am a young Luxembourger living in New York City, who is trying to make sense of the world around her. Here are glimpses of my journey. 

Enjoy ❤︎

A Reminder

I read a note to myself

Reminding myself to remind myself

That I am loved.


I had written it, unstricken 

By the storm forgetting

Such a simple thing

Could unleash. 


I had written it because 

At times, with all the hollows 

And all the sorrows-

The hugs that don’t seem to 

Even touch you-

You forget that you are loved. 


If I had a penny for every word

I heard, that didn’t mean what it said 

I could buy a locket, for your heart,

Keeping it safe from all the purports 

And all the retorts 

That hurt you. 


Listen to me, 

I feel the sting too

The sting that rings in your head

Telling you that a presence

Is an absence and that

Your life is nonsense.


But listen to me,

When I tell you that your life

Is so precious, too precious

To wear on your sleeve

But too precious to keep 



Listen to me, 

When I tell you how valued you are

How we can stomp on storms


Channeling the lightning 

Into a spark 

That can ignite your heart

Illuminate that, that thing you forgot

Oh yes- that you are loved.


//Yasmine Ayman

No Rainbow

C for Mystery.